As your mayor, I will do as I have always done: Pull people together–our youth, college students, business owners, immigrants, legislators, teachers, retirees, and volunteers–to identify opportunities, plan strategically, and make things happen.
Let’s roll up our sleeves, Grand Forks. Let’s be more.
I remember when I fell in love with Grand Forks. I came to this community nearly thirty years ago, when I was a small-town teenager pondering my future. Immediately, I could see–even feel–the city’s great potential. That potential has drawn me in ever since.
We have strong schools, innovative nonprofits, community-focused businesses, a vibrant university, an esteemed air force base, and inspiring residents committed to making this place amazing. These assets are invigorating.
Today, though, despite coming so far since the Flood of 1997, that potential feels dampened and, in fact, we are falling further behind our regional peers. Grand Forks has the lowest median income of the four largest cities in North Dakota and a smaller labor force than we had in 1996. Our sales tax revenues have declined each year since 2016. And our poverty rate is nearly 20%.
It’s time for change.
To take Grand Forks to the next level we need a leader committed to showing up and stepping up–a leader who engages people, empowers them, and supports them. And we need both experience and a track record of on-the-ground solutions in this community, especially as we face unprecedented health and economic crises.
I am that leader.
And that’s why I’m running for Mayor of Grand Forks.
How to vote!
You should have received a paper ballot application in the mail already.
If you did not get the application for an election ballot, please visit the North Dakota Secretary of State website: vip.sos.nd.gov/absentee to fill out the application online.
To do this, you will need your North Dakota driver’s license or other North Dakota identification and a birth date.
Fill out the application online and you will receive a ballot in the mail very soon.
If you ALREADY HAVE an application, be sure to fill it out like this:
- Check the boxes for “June (primary) election” or “All Statewide” on the left side of the form. (NOT “November.”) You can check the boxes for “City” and “School election” but this is not required.
- Write in your birth date and phone number
- Check the type of identification you are using. This could be a North Dakota driver’s license or some other identification.
- Check to make sure your “Residential address” is correct. Only write in an address if the address listed under “Residential Address” is incorrect.
- Sign the form and add a date.
- Then—put the completed application in the envelope provided and place in the U.S. mail. You DO NOT need to put a stamp on the envelope.
Your official ballot—with Robin David’s name on it—will arrive at your home within a few days.
Complete this ballot and send it back to the Grand Forks County Auditor at the address on the form in the envelope provided. Thanks!
Empowering Grand Forks to Lead Itself
Good leadership comes from broad and deep connections across a community. It is countless long nights and difficult conversations, finding common ground and building relationships. It’s being flexible and learning what a community wants and needs by listening to and working within that community over the course of years. And it’s enabling others to reach their potential.
It’s this hard work of connecting, building structures on the ground, and helping others accomplish their goals that I’ve been doing in Grand Forks for decades — at UND, with the City, in the nonprofit community, or for my family.
In those years I’ve learned that the best leadership is not about telling people what to do or letting others do the heavy lifting, but about thoughtful Engagement, Connections, and Strategic Action with a team.

Number of days it will take me to open the Mayor’s Office up to the public and to start shadowing you at your place of work.
Years I sent UND students out to learn from and contribute to the community.
Nonprofits I’ve founded with a $140K annual budget and multiple employees.
Years I have been living and problem-solving in GF.
local organizations I have partnered with in many roles.