As a community, we make the most progress when we have all voices at the table–individuals, institutions, and businesses–to identify challenges, come up with solutions, and work toward that vision. To that end, let’s implement programs and policies that can help make Grand Forks a more connected, collaborative place.
Here’s a start:

Mayoral Job Shadowing
The best leaders are those who understand their community best. So invite the Mayor to shadow you at your job! She’ll listen, watch, learn. And ask plenty of questions.

Open Office Hours
Accessing the Mayor in large communities can be a challenge. Let’s be more in Grand Forks by establishing and publicizing a series of office hours for the Mayor--open to everyone hoping to meet her and have a productive conversation about the City.

Community Visioning Process
Residents, nonprofits, businesses, and other institutions can come together to help Grand Forks envision what we want to be in the next decade. Are we an arts community, college town, and industrial center? All of these? What do we also want to be and do? Let’s decide on our North Star together, and let that guide our energies and decision making.
Empowering Grand Forks to Lead Itself
Good leadership comes from broad and deep connections across a community. It is countless long nights and difficult conversations, finding common ground and building relationships. It’s being flexible and learning what a community wants and needs by listening to and working within that community over the course of years. And it’s enabling others to reach their potential.
It’s this hard work of connecting, building structures on the ground, and helping others accomplish their goals that I’ve been doing in Grand Forks for decades — at UND, with the City, in the nonprofit community, or for my family.
In those years I’ve learned that the best leadership is not about telling people what to do or letting others do the heavy lifting, but about thoughtful Engagement, Connections, and Strategic Action with a team.

Number of days it will take me to open the Mayor’s Office up to the public and to start shadowing you at your place of work.
Years I sent UND students out to learn from and contribute to the community.
Nonprofits I’ve founded with a $140K annual budget and multiple employees.
Years I have been living and problem-solving in GF.
local organizations I have partnered with in many roles.