Strategic Action
Each community faces serious choices about budgeting and policy. But how do we know which choices are the right ones for us and for the future? We need strategic decision-making, based on evidence not only to help us stretch our limited dollars further, but to enable our property-owners, small businesses, and civic leaders to make the best choices for themselves and Grand Forks.
To that end I propose:

Affordable Housing
Whether you rent or own, housing costs are too high Grand Forks. We’re still feeling the effects of the flood on our affordable housing supply, and our solutions need to address that. We can make solid progress with a range of nuanced approaches that are right for Grand Forks. To increase the supply of affordable homes, let’s support infill development, grow the Grand Forks Community Land Trust, incent developers to build more affordable housing, and ensure the City and residents are making full use of federal and state funding opportunities.

A retail/small business development action team
Retail was hurting before COVID-19. And now small businesses are in an even more uncertain place. Let’s assemble a team of committed people from all sectors—business, education, government, unions, nonprofit—and identify solutions to reclaim our economy moving forward. And let’s implement solutions quickly. From parking assessment relief to tax breaks to zoning to wages and other incentives, everything is on the table in this crisis situation.

The Poverty Partnership
Yes, we have a lot of college students in Grand Forks. But our childhood poverty rate is far too high, contributing to our 20% overall poverty rate, and that number will increase in this economic crisis. When problems are systemic, they can’t be fixed by a single program or policy. And while the City can do things directly like making benefits and wage standards part of tax incentive packages, it can do even more by pulling together others to lead a broad community effort. We must engage nonprofits, businesses, workers, legislators, leaders, and impacted individuals. I’ll use my experience bringing stakeholders together to craft and carry out ambitious, collaborative solutions to trim our poverty level in my first term.
Empowering Grand Forks to Lead Itself
Good leadership comes from broad and deep connections across a community. It is countless long nights and difficult conversations, finding common ground and building relationships. It’s being flexible and learning what a community wants and needs by listening to and working within that community over the course of years. And it’s enabling others to reach their potential.
It’s this hard work of connecting, building structures on the ground, and helping others accomplish their goals that I’ve been doing in Grand Forks for decades — at UND, with the City, in the nonprofit community, or for my family.
In those years I’ve learned that the best leadership is not about telling people what to do or letting others do the heavy lifting, but about thoughtful Engagement, Connections, and Strategic Action with a team.

Number of days it will take me to open the Mayor’s Office up to the public and to start shadowing you at your place of work.
Years I sent UND students out to learn from and contribute to the community.
Nonprofits I’ve founded with a $140K annual budget and multiple employees.
Years I have been living and problem-solving in GF.
local organizations I have partnered with in many roles.