My platform is designed to empower
Grand Forks to lead itself.
It is built upon three pillars:


Communities are most vibrant when they’re shaped by their people. And government works best when it’s run by the people. Ensuring residents can access public officials and ensuring public officials can easily take in representative public input is a great challenge of a democracy. Grand Forks can lead in this area. Let’s build a culture of accessibility and engagement from the Mayor on down.


As a community, we make the most progress when we have all voices at the table--individuals, institutions, and businesses--to identify challenges, come up with solutions, and work toward that vision. To that end, let’s implement programs and policies that can help make Grand Forks a more connected, collaborative place.

Strategic Action​

Each community faces serious choices about budgeting and policy. But how do we know which choices are the right ones for us and for the future? We need strategic decision-making, based on evidence not only to help us stretch our limited dollars further, but to enable our property-owners, small businesses, and civic leaders to make the best choices for themselves and Grand Forks.

Together, let’s make Grand Forks known as a place where every person has the opportunity to make things happen.

If you’re interested in helping us be more:

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My platform of 21st Century ideas for Grand Forks is built upon three pillars: Engagement, Collaboration, and Strategic Action.


I have a history of identifying opportunities, pulling people together, thinking strategically, rolling up my sleeves, and making things happen. I will empower people to face our city’s unique challenges and help the community envision a shared future.


Paid for by Friends of Robin David, Robin Carriere Treasurer